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Execution and supervision management

Execution and supervision management

During the planning phase of the project company team leaders will provide consultation to the client regarding the selection of planners and consultants and determining the relationships with them and also complex issues such as setting a program and preparing a budget estimate for the project according to the various planning stages.

Why choose us

The service

Keeping the project's budget

Adherence to project schedule and timelines

Maintaining work standards and quality

  • פיקוח צמוד ומקצועי על ביצוע הפרויקט באתר וכן במקומות העבודה והייצור של המוצרים לפני הבאתם לאתר.פיקוח על טיב העבודות , החומרים והמוצרים בהתאם לתוכניות ולהוראות המתכנן והיועצים, כולל בדיקות מבדקה , לפני הבאתם ותוך כדי ביצוע.פיקוח על התקדמות העבודה באתר בהתאם ללו”ז.מדידה ואישור הכמויות של חלקי הפרויקט שבוצעו.מתן הסברים והוראות קבלן בקשר לביצוע הפרויקט בהתאם לתוכניות ולהוראות המתכנן והיועצים.

    Managing an orderly work journal and every week the report to the client’s reporting journal will be accompanied by recording everything that is going on in the project.

    The site and roads will be documented with the date prior to the start of the work.

    Regular reporting to the client and the planner of the quality of execution, progress of the project and any problems that arise during the execution of the project.

    Checking the contractor's claims as well as checking and approving prices for additional works and non-deviations if there will be any.

    Examination and approval of the contractor's partial accounts in accordance with the contract based on measurement and approval of quantities as mentioned above.

    Getting the perfect project in collaboration with the planner and consultants after completing all contractor work in accordance with the contract.

    Recording the repairs, completions and improvements required by the contractor at the time of receipt, overseeing the completion and final receipt of the project.

    Inspection of the project during the contractor's test period, listing of the necessary repairs at the end of the test period, supervision of the execution and final approval of the contract after completion of the repairs.

    Collaboration with the client if there are arbitrations or law suits with the contractor, help prepare the material while collaborating with your legal counsel.

    Editing a booklet for budget estimation and bills of quantity on the computer and report every month in an orderly and up-to-date manner.